Saturday, November 14, 2009

What Were They Thinking?

I was recently going through some of the books I'd put in storage, when I came across a book we'd acquired when Jefferson was learning how to read. The title choice perplexed me back then, and I have to admit that feeling returned as I looked at the book once more:

I think this about the poorest choice of words for a children's book I have ever seen. However, it's provided some fun for my teenagers; they've come up with some interesting word play of this title on their own:

A Sticky Situation for Pooh
Helping Pooh Out of the Hole
Pooh Gets a Push From Behind

You get the idea. I have to wonder....what was the company thinking when this title was presented to them?

And where in the world was the editor?


The Andra Family said...

I like the renditions your children provided.

The Jones Fam said...

Honestly, I probably never would have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out! But I did have a nice little laugh over it and the substitutes provided by your children!

Photo Crazy! said...

Too funny! I think Winnie the Pooh has a lot of these little "flaws." I am sure the writer did it on purpose. This book will work well when our kids are "plugged"! LOL