Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Source of Controversy

Where do I start....this innocent-looking t-shirt has been a source of controversy, irritation, disruption, and headaches at the Beatty household.

Okay, let me clarify - not the t-shirt itself, but the entire process and outcome of selecting a new mascot for Dixie College. Who knew that such an innocent endeavor could produce major havoc?

It started with the best of intentions. About two years ago it was decided that the term "Dixie Rebels" was politically incorrect, and the college adopted a temporary mascot (the Redhawks) until a permanent one could be found. A selection committee was formed and the search began.

As many of the older people in town were opposed to the change, the committee decided to involve the community in the selection process. A contest was held; the field was narrowed down to a handful of choices. Ultimately, Dixie "Red Storm" was chosen with a bull for the mascot.

Problem solved, right? A BIG negative on that one! The past few weeks have been full of student protests, community meetings, and negative media coverage as people have voiced their disappointment and outrage at the selection. Talk about a public relations nightmare. And who has found himself right in the thick of it? My dear, sweet husband. The students are expecting DEl to support them (part of his job) while the administration wants him to stick with them and provide a united front (also part of his job). Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

After several emergency meetings and a LOT of diplomacy on DEl's part, it looks as if a compromise is in the works. Just in time, too - I don't know if the Beatty household could have taken it much longer :)


The Andra Family said...

Wow. What a headache. And poor DEl just got put right into the middle of it with his new job. So, what's the middle ground?

McKay Missy and Boys said...

Don't some subjects seem so silly. Who would have thought people would get so upset over something so small?

Matt, Kim, Barrick and Jakey Boy! said...

So what was wrong with 'Rebels'? I understand getting rid of the Confederate flag, but the term rebels is pretty general and not offensive.