Today is Del's 42nd birthday. As I recently spent another blog giving out all sorts of information and tidbits about him, I won't say much more other than he is a wonderful husband, father, and friend. I am so lucky to have him as part of my life!
Happy Birthday, Honey.....I love you. Lots :)
Happy Birthday DEl. Hope it's a great one!
Happy Birthday DEl!
Happy birthday! On a side note, your blog is very cute but hard to read, if you go to "customize" your blog and under the "layout" tab you choose "pick a new template" and use the one at the very top "Minima" it will fit into your background perfect. You can also change your fonts and colors to match your blog. Don't know if this helps or if I'm just buggin but thought i would pass the word on.
Yeah, so when I was laying in bed last night, and Eric had the news on, I heard them mention Pearl Harbor Day, and I half asleep said, "Oh, today was DEl's birthday. I'll have to call him tomorrow." And here it is tomorrow and I never called. Happy Birthday DEl. I did remember, at 10 pm.
Happy B-day!
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