Friday, August 29, 2008

You Want WHAT For Lunch?!

I was getting ready to feed Mathison lunch yesterday. Since he and I are the only ones home now during much of the day, I usually talk to him quite a bit - even though he doesn't always answer, or when he does, I can't always tell what he's saying. As we walked into the kitchen, I asked him what he wanted for lunch.

"Pee-pee," he answered.


"Pee-pee," he said confidently when I asked him again.

Hmmmm. I know that's something not on the menu at the Beatty household. As I stood there puzzling out what my child was asking for, the little tyke walked over to a cupboard, opened it, and pulled out a container of fruit. He held it up triumphantly.

"Pee-pee!" Mathison exclaimed, handing me the container.

Oh - PEACHES. Okay. We can do that.

As Mathison gobbled down his lunch, I found myself hoping that he learns how to say "peaches" a little clearer before potty training begins.....otherwise, I'll have a tough time knowing if he's just hungry or needing to use the bathroom!


Denise said...


If he really likes peaches, you may be trying to take him to the bathroom a lot!

Nathan, Mariann &Talon said...

That is so funny! hey I notied you still have my old blog address here is my new one.

The Jones Fam said...

That is definately an interesting request for lunch! It was good to see you this weekend! Also, I'm happy you guys get to move closer!