Thursday, August 21, 2008

To Ski or Not to Ski

That was the question two weekends ago when we spent a day at the lake. Our home teacher has a small cabin right on Scofield's lakefront and had invited us to join him for a day of water play.

There were all sorts of fun things to choose from....a paddle boat, a kayak, a huge water disk that is pulled behind a boat, and of course, water skiing. Believe it or not, I have never been water skiing before. When I was a teenager, I was afraid of losing my contacts and didn't want to ski without them as I am blind as a bat without vision correction. Since we've been married, I really haven't had many opportunities to try. However, it is something I've always wanted to do and I decided that I'd better give it a go before I get too old and decrepit (see the "Old Gray Mare" blog).

To solve my vision dilemma, I decided to ski in a pair of Krissia's swim goggles. They make for a goofy picture, but they did the job :) Scofield Lake is above 7,000 feet, so it was quite a shock when I got in. Getting up on water skis is not as easy as it looks - especially your 1st time around! It took me about 5 tries before I got to a standing position; I was able to ski for about 50 yards before one of my skis slipped off. By this time it had clouded up and there was lightning in the area, so we had to call it quits.

I would like to try again before the cold weather comes; I think I'll do much better next time around. Here are some pics of the rest of the family enjoying the day; Krissia is absent from them because she had to work. Too bad....I think she would have enjoyed this trip more than anyone else in the family as she's such a fish in the water :)


The Andra Family said...

Everyone looks like they're having a blast! I never knew you've never skiid before?! Do you think there will be a second time up there?

The Jones Fam said...

Someone in my ward has a cabin in Scofield. It looks really pretty there! Good job and learning to ski!