Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oops, My Bad

My big, BIG bad.

I don't have "one of those moments" often, but when I do....watch out.

So, I sat down at the computer the other day to do some digital scrapbooking when I noticed that the photos I wanted to use wouldn't pull up on Photoshop Editor.

Then I noticed that about 90% of the photos in my Photoshop Organizer were having the same problem.....it was then that I started to panic.

You see, last week I decided to do some cleaning up on the computer, and decided that getting rid of my photo files would be a good way to clear up space. I wasn't too worried about it since all of these pictures were available in Photoshop Organizer. I didn't think about the word "organize" not being synonymous with "storage"; while Photoshop is great for editing and organizing, it does NOT SAVE THE PHOTOS.

200 pictures down the drain.


To make matters worse, I'd just deleted a slew of the same pictures off my digital camera a few days before realizing my mistake.


As bad as it's been, this blunder hasn't been a total disaster. Thank heavens for the pictures I've been able to recover from my blog, and the fortuitous decision to make photo disks of about half of the pictures. Otherwise, this blog might have been rated PG13 for some very strong language :)


The Andra Family said...

Ohhhh, I hate when things like that happen. Irreplaceable things, like when we video taped over Cooper's birth. Hope you're able to salvage most!

Denise said...

oh no!!!! I am glad you got some back.

The Jones Fam said...

That would just make me sick! Good thing you were able to recover half of it!