Friday, April 25, 2008

We're Only a Flush Away

From disaster, that is.

In an earlier post, I described Mathison's fascination with toilets, especially flushing them.

Now, he's found an even better activity - throwing items in the toilet water.

A couple of days ago, I noticed that he'd begun tossing small pieces of toilet paper in the bowl. I didn't do anything about it at the time because I reasoned that he was just modeling our behavior and it might spark an interest in future toilet training. Besides, I thought it was kind of cute.

All that cuteness came to an abrupt halt today as I caught Mathison tossing a Tide-to-Go stain remover stick into the toilet right as I started to flush; I fished it out just before it went into the pipes. Later, it was a crayon and a brush that I found floating in the water. I'm just glad he hadn't tried to flush them down the drain.

And what is Mathison's attitude about his latest "discovery"?


Denise said...

You just have to love them. You have to, right?

Tara said...

He is too cute. Not so much the toilet part, but he sure has a cute little face. It's probably hard to be too upset with him.

The Jones Fam said...

Lucky for us, Jaylee never had a facination with toilets. Hopefully he never succeeds to actually flush something other than toilet paper down the toilet!

McKay Missy and Boys said...

I'm so sorry that you are having to fish things out of the toilet! He sure looks cute in his picture.

We're so excited for your family to come visit us!