Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Caught in the Act

First, let me clarify; actually, I was able to catch this little guy BEFORE the act and turn it into something positive.

Mathison is notorious for peeing soon after I put him in the tub, so I decided to try something different today.

I sat him on the toilet before putting him in the tub and....TA DA!

Does this mean he's ready for potty training?

I don't think so; he didn't really seem to care about going in the toilet and has already forgotten about this morning's accomplishment and candy reward.

However, if I can continue to occasionally "catch him in the act", I'm hoping it will make our potty training experience a little easier when we try it in a few months :)

1 comment:

The Jones Fam said...

I am worried for the time I have to potty train Jett. How old were Bronson and Jefferson when you potty trained them?