Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Proper English Gent

During Krissia's last home swim meet, DEl and I were asked to help out. Jefferson was over at a friend's house, so Mathison ended up sitting next to his Grandma Beatty. The following conversation happened halfway through the meet:

Mathison: Grandma, I need to visit the lavatory.

Grandma (startled): What did you just say?

Mathison (exasperated): Grandma...I need to pee!

I have NO idea where he came up with that one!


The Jones Fam said...

He's such a funny, smart, cute kid!

Shawnee and Tys said...

Hahahahahaha! That is TOO funny!

Matt, Kim, Barrick and Jakey Boy! said...

So where does he pick up all of his little quips from?