Monday, February 28, 2011

Our Week At a Glance

This week's been a busy one! Here are a few of our activities:

Youth Spectacular:

A fashion show for the Women's Acheivement Conference at Dixie College:

Swim Banquet:


Denise said...

wow! your kids are just awesome.

you look amazing kim!

The Andra Family said...

Love Krissia's hair

McKay Missy and Boys said...

Krissia looks so cute with bangs! I love her hair.

How does it feel to be forty? You don't look it at all. I'm sure it helps to have a 4 year old. He'll keep you young.

Photo Crazy! said...

You hair cut look super cute on you Kim! Your family is awesome!

The Jones Fam said...

You look great in those pics! Totally not old enough to be Krissia's Mom. By the way, she looks amazing too!

Matt, Kim, Barrick and Jakey Boy! said...

The modeling photos cracked me a good way! I'm sure all of the boys like to get their pictures taken with Krissia.