He and his wife are quite short; the rest of us almost seem like giants in comparison :)
In the past two and a half weeks, the entire Beatty household has returned to school. It began with public school, with Dixie college starting classes one week ago, then finally Mathison's preschool began last Thursday. Krissia is enrolled in classes at Dixie in the mornings and returns to high school after lunch, which makes for three Beatty students roaming the college campus.
You read correctly - I said three. Bronson, Krissia...and myself.
That's right, I'm back in school.
I was in school full time prior to becoming pregnant with Mathison and always planned on returning someday. Two weeks ago, I decided quite suddenly that "someday" is now.
Things are a little crazy as I try to rearrange my schedule to fit in classes and homework in addition to my duties as a homemaker. I'm only taking 7 credits right now, which I feel is perfect considering I have a young child at home. Also, one of my classes is a statistics class and I know I'm going to need all the extra study time I can get!
I'm excited - and a little nervous as I return to school. I just hope I can somehow hold it together and keep my sanity this year!
Good for you to be going back to school! I'd love to have a degree in something but not quite sure I want to go back.
The pics of Nicole's kids are adorable!
I think that is awesome you are going to school! It' something that I plan on doing "someday" as well :)
I love that dress you're wearing, and that color looks awesome on you! Yay for going back to school! Good luck :)
I wondered when you were going to finish your degree. Good luck! Watch out for these young college boys...a lot of them tend to gravitate toward women of your stature! (I was going to say 'older women' but I didn't think you would like the 'older' reference ;)
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