Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Funniest Joke Ever

As we were getting into the van the other day, Mathison came up with this joke:

Mathison: Knock Knock.

Mom: Who's there?

Mathison: Mathison.

Mom: Mathison who?

Mathison: Mathison Kerry Beatty!

He then proceeded to laugh for a good five minutes, he thought it was so funny :)


Denise said...

hahahaha. i love their sense of humor at that age.

Photo Crazy! said...

So cute! Loving this age!

The Andra Family said...

Those darn knock knock jokes, my kids can go on with those forever!

The Jones Fam said...

There was a period of time where my kids told nonsensical knock knock jokes ALL the time. It got old really fast. It's funny what toddlers think are jokes :)

Matt, Kim, Barrick and Jakey Boy! said...

I remember our trip to Disneyland in a borrowed Cross Creek van when Bronson and Krissia were young and Bronson making up some crazy knock-knock jokes on the ride home.