Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Birthday Boy

So, maybe most people wouldn't classify Bronson as a boy, but as he's turning 18 next year and will officially be an adult I thought I'd better use "boy" as long as I can :)

Bronson's birthday celebration was very low-key; I cooked his favorite breakfast (waffles), then he opened presents from the family. He hung out around the house during the day, then ended up going to work yesterday evening. That's a sure sign that Bronson is approaching adulthood, where he had to work on his birthday!

Since Bronson turned 17, I thought I would list 17 interesting facts about him:

1. He was born one month early, weighing in at a tiny 5 lbs 9 oz
2. Bronson could identify letters of the alphabet by age 21 mos and taught himself to read at age 3.
3. His favorite books to read are fantasy and sci-fi.
4. His favorite color is green.
5. Bronson is terrified of spiders.
6. He has a photographic memory.
7. He's had the same best friend since kindergarten.
8. Bronson is a gifted writer and has won various writing contests.
9. He would like to visit England and Japan someday.
10. His favorite foods are pasta and meat (he claims he's a carnivore).
11. If he puts on round glasses, he looks just like Harry Potter.
12. Bronson has an extensive vocabulary.
13. He likes to sleep in his swimsuit.
14. For his career, he wants to be an English professor.
15. Bronson has a metal bar in his chest.
16. He's very good at voices and accents.
17. He is currently developing/writing a book series.

Happy Birthday Bronson - we are so glad to have you as part of our family and love you very much!!


Annie Miller said...

Hi Kim! I found your blog through Missy's. It has been so much fun having them in our ward. I cannot believe how grown up your kids are. They are so big! I'm glad to see you are all doing so well. Love your blog! Annie (Griffith) Miller

The Jones Fam said...

Happy birthday Bronson! Wow, it's crazy to think that I was in second grade when he was born! That's awesome that he is writing his own book series, is it fantasy sci-fi?

The Andra Family said...

I thought of him and acknowledged his birthday to myself all day, and still never picked up the phone to call. So sorry Bronson. Happy B-day.