Sunday, June 20, 2010

You Don't Say......

Our three year old has been saying some of the funniest things lately! Here are just a few of the phrases which have kept me in stitches:

Mathison (to Krissia): I am so sweaty it's gross. Krissia, what does 'sweaty' mean?

Mathison: Mom, I'm hungry and drinky.

Me (to Mathison): Mathison, it's time to go pee in the toilet now.
Mathison: Sorry, Mom - but I'm just all out.

Mathison (at least once a day): Well, when I was a kid...(then he tells a story)

Mathison: Mom, could you please turn around so I can kick your butt?

(My personal thanks to Sponge Bob for this last comment, as we don't speak like that in our house!)


Nathan, Mariann &Talon said...

When we watched him he said "Oh barnicles" also from Spongebob. :) It was so fun wathing him, he and Talon play so well together.

The Andra Family said...

Too funny. I love that age.

The Jones Fam said...

What a fun age! I love that he says, "When I was a kid" Although you did reinforce my decision to keep my kids away from spongebob :)