Thursday, May 8, 2008

Putting My Best Foot Forward

That's what I would be doing right now if I HAD a best foot.

I visited a podiatrist in Utah County yesterday, and it appears that I have two bum feet. I've had a bunion on my right foot since high school and it's been giving me some trouble lately, which prompted the doctor's appointment. It's going to require surgery in the next year or two; I was okay with that diagnosis because I had pretty much figured that out on my own.

My left heel has really been bothering me the past few weeks, so I decided to have the doctor take a look at it since I was already at the office. He decided to take X-rays "just in case". Surprise!! I have a bone chip the size of a large fingernail floating around in there. Apparently, I broke my heel at some point (the doctor said it's been at least 5 years ago) and since I didn't get it treated, it didn't heal (or should I say heel, lol) right. He thinks that some scar tissue formed around the bone chip, anchoring it in place, and that I've done something recently that caused the tissue to detach and allow the bone chip to begin moving around again. This is something that will need to be fixed pretty soon; we're looking at the beginning of next month, when the kids are out of school and can help me with Mathison.

As we were discussing surgery options, Del suggested that I get BOTH feet operated on at the same time and "just get it over with". He changed his mind when I pointed out that he'd have to take at least a couple of weeks off of work to push me around in a wheelchair - not to mention run the household as I would be basically bedridden until both feet healed :)


Denise said...

OM Gosh, I am so sorry!

You don't realize how much we take just being able to walk around for granted...feet are important!

I hope all goes well.

The Valentine Fam said...

Oh dear. That's not good. Atleast it will work out that the kids can help out a bit. Let us know if we can help too!

The Perkins said...

Do you even know how you broke your heel? It sounds like your feet have been thought the ringer :).

The Jones Fam said...

Ugh, that stinks! (not your feet, but the fact that you need surgery on them) I hope everything goes well and they start feeling better soon!