Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Can you say E=(MC)2 ?

Okay, so Bronson might not technically be a genius, but he's certainly displayed an aptitude for science research.

Bronson competed in the State Science Fair last weekend and walked away with 3 medals: a first place for the top experiment in his category and two special awards from state and federal water conservation agencies. Although Bronson won a gold medal, he will not be moving on to nationals because they only chose 4 projects to move on out of the 21 first place winners. This worked out just fine for us!

Bronson's project demonstrated that the permeability of clay can be improved by using a tiny portion (1/10,000) of solvent; in his experiment, he used dish soap. This could prove beneficial for creating larger areas of arable land in the world, especially in developing countries.

Way to go Einstein.....oops, I mean Bronson!

I just had to throw in a picture of poor Krissia with her broken elbow!


Denise said...

Way to go Bronson! But then again, we already knew you were AT LEAST as smart as Einstein!

The Valentine Fam said...

Good job Bronson!

The Andra Family said...

Kudos to Bronson. What an amazing nephew!

The Jones Fam said...

I'm not surprised he did so well, he's such a smartie! Poor Krissia! How long does she have to wear that cast?

Sally said...

Hey Kim! It's me Sally Cooper! My sister came across Emry's blog and told me to check you guys out. I am amazed at how much your kids have grown. And Bronson...he was always such a bright little boy I just knew he'd be a genius. I cannot believe how much your kids have grown! I'd love to stay in touch. My email is If you ever come to see Missy it would be great to see you.